The Mayr medicine is based on the insights of the doctor F.X. Mayr. According to his findings, certain terms play a central role in practice. If you are concerned with Mayr medicine, read articles on the subject or are a guest or patient in a Mayr center, these central terms and topics will appear again and again. In our glossary, you can search for these keywords in alphabetical order and call up a short definition.
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 Abdominal breathing
Abdominal breathing is performed with the diaphragm. It is the normal physiological resting breathing, since only the diaphragm is built for this permanent work. Thoracic breathing is only an additional respiration during more intense physical exertion. If the diaphragm is reflexive (e.g. in case of intestinal irritation or stress) or high due to increased intraabdominal pressure, abdominal breathing is impeded. Chest breathing is activated in a compensatory way, which in the long run can lead to neck tension and many other complaints of the musculoskeletal system. Since the diaphragm also acts like a membrane pump when breathing and helps to pump lymph and blood into and out of the abdomen, abdominal breathing is an important part of keeping the abdominal cavity and its digestive system healthy.
 Abdominal shapes
F. X. Mayr divided the different forms of the belly according to different criteria. Inflammation, muscle tension of the intestinal wall, gas and faeces. This results in different combinations of states that determine the individual abdominal shape and influence the posture.
The causes of the change in the shape of the abdomen are usually the overloading of the intestine and correspondingly reduced digestive quality (poor mechanical preparation of the food for the digestive process, lack of saliva).
In Mayrmedicine one speaks of the latent tissue acidosis. It is not a life-threatening pH lowering of the blood as it is treated in intensive medicine. Rather, the lack of bases and thus the reduction of the base buffer capacity is diagnosed and treated. The only reliable diagnosis of latent tissue acidosis is Sander urine titration, in which 6 urine samples (pre- and postprandial) are titrated.
An overacidification is treated with base powder and base infusions. As latent tissue acidosis favours a variety of complaints and diseases, this deacidification therapy is an important component of Mayrmedicine. The following illnesses can be favoured by hyperacidity: Inflammations, arthrosis, osteoporosis, caries, duodenitis, pancreatitis, microcirculation disorders up to heart attacks, acne-shaped exanthema, rheumatism, etc. By the way: latent tissue acidosis has nothing to do with an overacidified stomach and heartburn.
 Alkaline food
All vegetables except asparagus, chard, spinach stems and tomato peels.
All fruits except rhubarb. Citrus fruits are alkaline compared to gastric acid, but still more acidic compared to other fruits. If sweet fruits are eaten too quickly, their sugar can be fermented in the intestine and produce acids. The same applies to fructose intolerance.
Milk, cream and hard cheese.
An allergy is a misdirected, excessive reaction of the immune system to various substances. F.X.Mayr therapy helps to regulate the immune system and reduce the histamine level in the blood. Since the histamine-degrading diamine oxidase is formed in the intestine, a regenerated intestine can form more of it and accelerate the breakdown of histamine. This can reduce allergic reactions.

The frequent food intolerances are not real allergies. Rather, they are caused by the "leaky gut syndrome". The Mayr therapy treats the "leaky gut syndrome" very successfully and thus causally reduces many food intolerances.
 Applied Kinesiology (AK)
Diseases and substances that disturb or weaken the body's own regulatory system also cause a specific weakness of certain characteristic muscles. This weakness is diagnosed and can help to get clarity about the cause of complaints and illnesses. This diagnostic method also helps to determine the appropriate medication or the correct substitution of missing vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It can optionally be used as an additional diagnostic tool in holistic medicine. However, it is very important that one does not rely exclusively on this not scientifically recognized method and that serious diagnoses are additionally confirmed.

Translated with
Incorrect diet such as too much, too fast, under stress, too late, too tired, and a one-sided diet (too sweet, too many short-chain carbohydrates, raw food in the evening) lead to an indigestion. Fermentation produces acids and alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol). Decay produces phenols, biogenic amines, indole, skatol, spemin, spermidine and cadaverine. Fermentation takes place rather in acidic milieu, decay in alkaline milieu. The resulting fermentation and putrefaction toxins burden all organ systems. If the natural detoxification organs are not sufficient, these substances are excreted via "emergency valves". Skin impurities, eye inflammations and genital irritations can be the visible consequences.

The F.X. Mayr therapy specializes in the elimination of this intestinal autointoxication and its symptoms and negative influences on health.
 Base powder
Base powder is used against latent tissue acidosis. It is composed of basic minerals. There are different recipes. The main components are calcium carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, potassium triphosphate, magnesium citrate. The base powder must be taken with plenty of water (1 teaspoon in ¼ liters of water). An additional effect of the base powder is the reduction of the feeling of hunger during fasting periods, especially when gastric acid is formed at usual meal times and this causes hunger. Base powder is mainly used because it buffers gastric acid and the bases (NaHCO3) formed during its formation are no longer used to neutralise gastric juice in the duodenum. They are then available for buffering metabolic acids. Base powder is not suitable for the treatment of gastritis; it is even contraindicated as it stimulates the formation of gastric acid.
 Base soup
Base soups are soups made from strained basic vegetables. These are mainly root vegetables. Potatoes are not added as they have a high glycaemic index and would strain the insulin system. Base soups are delicious appetizers that help to balance the acid-base balance of the menu. They are often eaten as the first warm meal in a diet built from a fasting period.
 Body posture
The upright posture was vital for development history, but is very energy-intensive. According to the "principle of energetic expediency", the posture must be secured with a minimum of muscular work. The balance over the small trapezoidal supporting surface of the feet is most effective when a central plumb line from the external auditory canal passes through the 3 transitions of the spinal curves, hip, knee and lower ankle ("normal posture"). A thick belly (load in front of the "center of gravity" according to Mayr) therefore forces a counter oscillation of the upper thoracic spine as static balance ("high back") and a strong hollow back ("large drum carrier posture"). Further typical postures: "Habtacht", "Ducks", "Anlauf", "casual" and "Sämanns" postures.
 Body slags
Metabolic waste products (metabolites) that must be excreted are referred to in Mayrmedicine as "slags", analogous to the combustion residues in the blast furnace. They are deposited in the reticuloendothelial system (matrix, intercellular tissue) when the excretory systems are overtaxed and lead to a mesenchym blocking ("slagging of the filter" between the cells) with impairment of cell functions, disruption of autoregulation processes and, in the longer term, promote the development of organic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, gout and many more.
 Breathing and situation in the abdomen
"Digestion" (provides the fuel for all body cells) and "respiration" (provides the oxygen for cell respiration and disposes of the carbon dioxide) are also spatially linked. The trunk accommodates both (upper 2 thirds for lungs and heart, the lower third for intestines/ kidneys/ bladder ..., with "enteropathy" reversed relation), separated by a breath-synchronously movable diaphragm. More space and slackening of the intestine force a diaphragm high (actively produced by the respiratory auxiliary muscles) and obstruct both breathing and lymph and blood flow from the legs upwards. A well toned small intestine supports the exhalation, a slacker one impedes it. intestinal rehabilitation" (Mayr cure ...) improves the respiration (demonstrably by means of "skin fold" at the back of the hand and "abdominal grip")!
 Cardiovascular system and intestinal function
See "Breathing". Reducing the volume of the intestines and improving the tonus of the small intestine reduce the space required below the diaphragm >>> space gain in the chest >>> "erection" of the heart with better biomechanical working conditions. Reduction of "Intestinal Autointoxication" (less alcoholic paralysis poisons) improves the strength of the heart muscle and small arteries (these act as pumping stations strengthening the transmission of the pulse wave and relieving the heart). The breath-synchronous "diaphragm stroke" transports venous blood and lymphatic fluid from the legs and abdomen upwards against gravity to the heart (fewer varicose veins and lower leg edemas). Intestinal rehabilitation stabilises the cardiovascular system, both in the arterial high-pressure system and in the venous low-pressure system!
 Cheekbone grip
In the context of the diagnosis according to F.X.Mayr the tone of the skin is checked. The skin over the cheekbone is lifted with thumb and index finger. The further the skin can be lifted, the weaker the tissue tone, which can be a sign of degenerative processes in the sense of dystrophy through autointoxication. The genetic constitution of the patient also has a great influence on this. This skin turgor influences the dietary attitude during the therapy according to F.X.Mayr.
 Classic Mayr Diet
When Dr. F.X.Mayr was looking for a proven reduction diet for the optimal protection, cleaning and training of the gastrointestinal tract, he developed the milk roll diet. Each bite of the bread roll is chewed 30 times and before swallowing a teaspoon of milk is added, mixed well and then swallowed. Milk contains many valuable nutrients and the old-fashioned bread roll is ideal for chewing. At his time, lactose intolerance, milk intolerances and the negative effects of gluten were not yet known. The grain also contained much less gluten and the cows still ate fresh grass from the pasture, which significantly increased the omega-3 fatty acid content of the milk. Today we have to rethink and largely avoid normal milk and gluten-containing cereals. Therefore, individually adapted gluten-poor to gluten-free rolls with milk alternatives are given today. The addition of protein products often makes sense.
 Cure crisis
At the beginning of the cure, temporary symptoms of re-toxication such as headaches, nausea, circulatory disorders, dizziness, detoxification reactions via the skin may occur if the amount of mobilized endotoxins (fermentation and putrefaction toxins) exceeds the excretion capacity of the organism. A spa crisis can also be hypoglycaemia or an energetic collapse due to a decrease in stress hormone production and "psychological detoxification reactions". In the further course of the cure, the activation of chronic complaints as a healing reaction is also possible. A mild start to the cure (preliminary cure), ample hydration, draining procedures, mineral substitution if necessary and sufficient protection can largely prevent cure crises.
 Diagnostics according to F. X. Mayr: Example - The face
The "5-senses-diagnostics according to Hippokrates" (sound during eavesdropping, knocking sound, tactile findings, appearance, smell) had clear criteria about 1900, how a healthy organ is constituted, except for the abdomen. Here "health" was postulated from the absence of pathological findings. F.X. Mayr deserves the credit for having removed this white spot from the map of medicine. In the face (comparable to a landscape of mountains and valleys) one sees the consequences of the "self poisoning from the intestines" (fusel alcohols during fermentation make by paralysis vasodilatation) in typical stages ("tonus theory"), whereby external climatic influences on the protruding parts of the face first add to the internal damaging factors:
1. Excitement: Paleness in the "valleys" (around the mouth), pointed nose and protruding cheekbones.
2. Paralysis: redness on the "mountains" (nose, chin cheeks)
3. Short-term tonus changes ("tonus test handle"), long-term "wrinkles" (heavy flaccid tissue sinks downwards) and "furrows" (as if cut with a knife)

F.X. Mayr developed in his epoch the medical diagnostics with the means of that time. He assessed the face, the skin, various pathological abdominal forms, postures, chest deformities as well as swellings, tonus and the function of the gastrointestinal tract with the eyes and hands. The abdomen and compensatory changes of ideal measurements of the body were precisely measured. Even today, deviations from the ideal state of health can be detected long before the onset of a manifest disease and the course of therapy can be monitored.
 Diaphragmatic breathing
Healthy abdominal breathing is a combination of elastic lung pull, diaphragmatic contraction and abdominal pressure. This interaction produces a hemodynamic and lymphodynamic effect, since the constantly changing pressure-suction ratios in capillaries, veins and lymphatic vessels promote the further movement and propulsion of their contents. Digestive activity is also stimulated because the normal moving diaphragm performs rhythmic compression and decompression of the abdominal organs during abdominal breathing. The healthy abdomen is a synergist of the elastic lung traction and promotes exhalation. However, if inflammatory, hypertonic or atonic changes occur in digestive segments, these resist any change in position and naturally restrict diaphragmatic activity. The thorax is dilated compensatory and thoracic respiration begins to increase. Any form of respiratory therapy will remain ineffective as long as the digestive changes are not treated causally.
The term dysbiosis is derived from Greek: "dys" (faulty, bad) and "bios" (life, here the bacteria of the intestinal flora are meant). After birth, bacteria colonize the infant's intestines. A restriction of the variety of bacterial species and the total amount of flora bacteria as well as the colonisation of the intestine with harmful germs is called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis is also caused by antibacterial influences (e.g. medications such as antibiotics, preservatives, heavy metals) and a one-sided diet, e.g. low in sugar or fibre.
According to Dr. F. X. Mayr, the first sign of a reduction in health is poor performance of the digestive organs. He calls this disorder enteropathy and is by definition a
Ubiquitous chron. Intestinal damage with the criteria:
1. hypotension of considerable parts of the intestine
2.inadequate self-cleaning with occurrence of digestive residues
3. ptosis (reduction) of small intestine parts
4. dysbiosis with dyspepsia and toxin formation
5. partial inflammations
 Enteropathy syndrome
Triassic from
1. enteropathy according to F.X. Mayr
2. change of posture
3. intestinal autointoxication (toxic effects from the diseased intestine)
Lowering of the intestines due to chronic digestive damage
By lowering the small and large intestine, pressure is exerted on the abdominal organs and, as a result, the blood flow to these organs deteriorates, menstrual problems, incontinence and other symptoms occur: The pressure on the venous drainage areas promotes the formation of haemorrhoids and varicose veins.
 Epsom salts
Epsom salts are magnesium sulphate. The name comes from the bitter taste. The salt is usually dissolved in the evening and drunk sober in the morning. It is used in the MayrPrevent® therapy for intestinal cleansing. Epsom salts clean the small intestine and the large intestine very thoroughly. Depending on the dosage, Epsom salt triggers pulpy stools to watery diarrhoea. The dose and duration of the application is determined individually by the doctor. The administration of Epsom salts is not indicated for existing diarrhoea.
Alternatives to Epsom salts are e.g. magnesium citrate.
 Excitatory stage
Each poison effect goes through 3 stages in the organs: excitation (excitation, hypertension), paralysis (hypotension), degeneration (atrophy).
In the series of different stages of intoxication, the excitation stage follows the normal stage and corresponds to the hypertonus. The excitatory stage is reversible at the end of toxin exposure.
 F. X. Mayr
Franz Xaver Mayr (1875 - 1965) was born in Gröbming, Styria, Austria and grew up in Gröbming in the Ennstal valley as a farmer's son. He made his first discoveries by observing the cows, which he had to herd in his childhood. These findings flowed into his research as a doctor (in Karlovy Vary and Vienna). He recognized the intestine as the cause of many diseases and developed an effective and reproducible diagnostic and therapeutic concept. In recent years his results have been increasingly confirmed scientifically.
The development of masses of gases, which manifest themselves in the form of flatulence, is mainly caused by foods rich in carbohydrates, such as sugar, bread, pastries, but also raw foods. Fermentation is promoted by prolonged residence in the gastrointestinal tract in combination with moist heat and fermentation pathogens. The "gas belly" according to F.X. is formed. Mayr. Fermentation winches are odourless.
Quality food should be bought according to season, prepared with the right kitchen technology and enjoyed in a harmonious atmosphere. However, they only feed us when their building blocks arrive in the cells. Sufficient chewing, salivation and an optimally functioning digestive system are the prerequisites for this. A rule for selecting healthy foods: "as natural as possible, as digestible as necessary. Also individual food incompatibilities are to be considered. Then food can become "remedies" in everyday life.
 Food intolerances
Lactose, fructose, histamine intolerance and gluten intolerances are among the most common causes of chronic complaints in the digestive system, such as massive gas formation, diarrhoea, convulsive abdominal pain, but also itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, flushing, headaches, depression, heart and lung symptoms. Intolerances are caused by enzyme defects, enzyme deficiency and intestinal mucosa damage (leaky good) with irritation of the immune system. They can be diagnosed by breath tests and enzyme determination and treated causally and sustainably with Mayr medicine.
 Good oils
Good oils have a very important function for recovery and health maintenance. Particular importance is attached to a sufficient supply of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. Both have an anti-inflammatory effect, promote circulation and lower LDL cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids also reduce the risk of thrombosis via thrombocyte aggregation inhibition, are antidepressant and promote brain performance.
They contain a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids: Linseed oil, hemp oil, walnut oil, cold water fish (especially herring, mackerel and salmon).
High in omega-9 fatty acids: Olive oil and rapeseed oil.
 Health medicine
Unfortunately, university doctors mainly learn what to do when a patient is ill. However, the most important and most cost-effective medicine is preventive medicine and thus medicine for maintaining the health of healthy people. Since the diagnosis according to F.X.Mayr recognizes deviations from the ideal state of health long before the onset of a manifest disease, it is an important component of preventive medicine and thus health medicine. Health is not only the presence of disease, but an active process that leads to and maintains all-embracing physical and mental well-being. Therefore, an essential component of health medicine is the motivation and strengthening of consciousness for a healthy lifestyle.
 Human root system
It is well known that the power of the tree lies in its roots. Accordingly, the biological power of man does not come from his arms or legs, but from his root organism, the digestive organs. The Austrian physician and researcher Dr. F. X. Mayr (1875-1965) described these organs as the "root system of man". Accordingly, health and disease - apart from hereditary influences, bacterial or viral pathogens or violent influences - have their roots above all in the way people live and eat. Our digestive organs process the ingested food, take the vital nutrients from it with the help of its root-like villi and supply the whole organism with them. Since it also excretes waste, poison and "garbage" from the metabolism, it is of fundamental importance for the entire health of humans in the truest sense of the word.
 Humoral diagnostics
The term is borrowed from the way of thinking of ancient medicine, diseases were attributed to a bad quality of the "humores", the "juices" ("juicing theory"). The excretory organs (intestines, kidneys, skin, lungs) for metabolic end products that cannot be degraded further (e.g. ammonia in meat consumption) ensure a "flow equilibrium", that is "health". The "Hippocrates 5 senses diagnosis" shows the quantity and type of excretion: odour ("foetores"): exhaled air, urine, stool, sweat and sebum. Appearance: the skin (state of tension, colour ...), hair (shine, greasy, shape: rebelliously erect or tired), nails (grooves, basic colour of the nail bed in case of bloodlessness due to pressure ...), stool (ideal shape of a corncob with rounded ends, non-lubricating, not floating on the water surface ...). If the excretory organs are overstrained, they become conspicuous as "emergency valves" ("seborrheic giant", more smegma, bad mouth and sweat smell, bad smelling stool and gas secretions ...), macerations of the skin (armpit, groin region, "tear road" ...).
Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr discovered that mouth saliva is a remedy. He advised his patients to salivate every bite well and chew 30-50 times. The good preparation of the food for the further digestive progress in the intestine causes an optimal enzymatic decomposition of the food into the resorbable individual components. This early and complete decomposition ensures a rapid absorption of these nutrients in the upper small intestine and thus avoids the development of fermentation and rot in the lower small intestine and large intestine. In this way, the intestine is spared and can regenerate.
 Intestinal flora
The intestine is colonized with bacteria shortly after birth. In young adulthood, the intestinal flora consists of at least 450 different types of bacteria. The variety of bacteria is very important for the function of the intestine, digestion, absorption of nutrients and defence against pathogens. One-sided nutrition shifts and e.g. antibiotics and preservatives lastingly destroy the intestinal flora. After cleansing the intestine with Epsom salts, the intestinal flora improves sustainably. Current probiotics can partially rebuild the intestinal flora.
 Leaky Gut Syndrome
The syndrome of the "leaking intestine" develops as a result of intestinal autointoxication during digestive processes (rot, fermentation, dysbiosis, etc.). Through the more permeable mucous membrane of the small intestine larger protein molecules penetrate into the submucosal tissue, pathological immune reactions to food components are provoked and chronic inflammatory processes are triggered. Food intolerances, deterioration of the immune system and toxin contamination of the whole organism are the result. Detoxification and intestinal regeneration according to Mayr-Prevent® medicine represent a highly effective causal therapy for Leaky Gut Syndrome.
 Linseed oil
Is one of the most biologically valuable vegetable oils due to its high content of polyunsaturated, essential fatty acids (EFA), which are essential metabolic components and must be supplied with food. Due to the favourable ratio of 4:1 of omega 3 (linolenic acid 45 to 65%) and omega 6 fatty acids (linoleic acid 11 to 24%) linseed oil has a..: Lipid lowering, antirheumatic, antiallergic, blood pressure lowering and reduces the risk factors for arteriosclerosis.
Requirement: approx. 2 - 3 x 1 small tablespoon linseed oil /d, depending on physical activity, stress and constitution.
 Mayr Medicine
Dr. Franz Xaver Mayr recognized in the intestine as the "root system of man" the trigger for many diseases of civilization. He developed a sensitive diagnosis in the apron and the classical therapy principles of protection, cleansing, training for the regeneration of the digestive system and detoxification of the organism. The current Mayr-Prevent® medicine has further developed this basis with new scientific findings and the combination of biological regulation therapies into an individual, holistic medical prevention and treatment concept for the restoration of healthy physical, mental and spiritual vital functions and the introduction to a health-conscious way of life and diet.
 Mild Derivation Diet
Was developed by Dr. Erich Rauch and Dipl. Diätküchenmeister Peter Mayr as the mildest variant of a healing food. It is used both as a transition from intensive dietetics to healthy, normal food rich in vital substances and as an easily digestible nutritional variant during FX Mayr therapy.
In an individually adapted stage plan substantial nourishing therapeutic principles are considered such as calorie, coal hydrate and gluten reduction as well as intolerances.
As a short to medium-term diet it can also be used for disease prevention,
can be used to improve basic health in everyday life.
 Orthomolecular medicine
Provides the biochemical basis for the increasingly important substitution of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc. in Mayr-Prevent® medicine. Due to malnutrition and limited digestive performance on the one hand and increased demand due to oxidative and psychological stress, toxin pollution, chronic diseases on the other hand, an imbalance of vital building blocks is increasingly occurring. Especially during a Mayr-Prevent® therapy, latent deficiencies can become visible and a targeted substitution can significantly improve the success of the therapy.
Almost all living beings need oxygen to live. Oxygen is a colourless, odourless gas that is exchanged for carbonic acid in our lungs.
Pathological changes in the intestine lead to reduced mobility of the diaphragm (respiratory muscle) due to increased space requirements in the abdominal cavity. As a result, gas exchange deteriorates, carbon dioxide levels increase and the oxygen level in the blood decreases.
 Pathogenesis according to Mayr: Why do we get sick?
"Nutrition" does not end with eating, but requires the complete disintegration and absorption of food ("digestion"): Nutrition = food x digestion. The intestine is the "root of the human plant". Prof. Strassburger researched the rot in the intestine >>> "We eat from a cesspool, therefore we become ill". Prof. Pirlet (both Frankfurt) recognized the importance of fermentation in carbohydrate-rich raw and whole foods. Even artificial infant feeding causes the first damage: alien, allergenic, too heavy animal milk (instead of the optimal mother's milk) from the bottle (fast drinking of large quantities) instead of "sucking" the smallest portions (on the mother's breast). The "Schlinger und Vielesser" is brought up later by wrong table manners. "Dysbiosis" and "Intestinal autointoxication", allergies, susceptibility to infections ... are the consequences.
 Preliminary diagnostics
Diagnostics and therapy according to F. X. Mayr enable active preventive medicine that goes far beyond the classic primary, secondary and tertiary indications for Mayr therapy. In the run-up to manifest illnesses, diagnostics play a decisive role in identifying early damage to the organism in the apron, long before manifest illnesses occur. Thus something can be done at a good time for the healthy attitude.
 Preliminary treatment
The preliminary treatment before the actual Mayr treatment usually lasts 1 week and serves to tune in to the actual treatment. Thus the pre-treatment helps to adjust the metabolism to the "forthcoming". In general, foods that have proven to be easily digestible should be preferred during the preliminary treatment. In addition, you should refrain from using stimulants such as alcohol, lots of coffee or nicotine. During this preparation period, the patient should start cleaning the intestines by emptying them completely using a salt or bitter salt solution. In addition, it is recommended to exclude vital substance deficits by means of laboratory tests or to create a good basis for easier substitution in the main phase.
The protection is one of the 4 important healing principles in the therapy after F.X. Mayr. The protection of a diseased organ or body part has always been an integral part of medicine. In order to protect the digestive tract there are two important possibilities:
On the one hand the protection by the choice of the food. Avoidance of high-fiber and otherwise stressful foods. In more intensive form the milk roll Di?t well-known by milk or milk substitute and dry bread roll . And in the most intensive form chamfered, thus the complete attitude of the food supply. The latter is hardly used in the therapy any more, since the Essschulung is not ensured here.
On the other hand the protection by the kind of the food intake. Most intensive chewing, the avoidance of intermediate meals and the avoidance or the restriction of the evening meal.
Purification is one of the 4 important healing principles in F.X. therapy. Mayr. When the digestive tract is fully functional, the cleansing takes place on its own. A digestive tract weakened by autointoxication is no longer able to do this. The aim of intestinal cleansing is the removal of intestinal contamination, the elimination of intestinal autointoxication and then the restoration of the natural self-cleaning ability of the digestive tract.
The cleansing is supported in the therapy by daily saline rinses, regular abdominal treatments and light food.
"Detoxification" of the basic substance, which is a landfill of exogenous and endogenous metabolic waste due to age and/or poor lifestyle.
In the case of slagging, intermediate and end products of the metabolism that have to be excreted can no longer degrade or excrete.

The ability of "purification" by a F. X. Mayr cure was proven by electron microscopic examinations of connective tissue before and after the cure.
Decomposition processes which are caused by the prolonged residence time of intestinal contents and the resulting proliferation of putrefactive bacteria. The decomposition of protein bodies is referred to as protein rot. The resulting gases are e.g. hydrogen, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide. Characteristic is the bad smell.
 Radix edema
Radix edema is the result of inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa. Inflammatory changes occur due to food allergies, food intolerance or simply poor eating habits and the resulting intestinal autointoxication.
We must imagine the radix as a curtain on the upper edge of which the small intestine runs. Nerves, blood vessels and lymph vessels run in this curtain. This curtain is fixed to the spine at about navel height. Inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa lead to congestion of the lymph in this region and thus to palpable swelling. In Mayr's therapy, this congestion is improved or eliminated by daily abdominal treatments.
Regeneration is the replacement of dead cells by new ones. This is normal and accompanies us the whole life. In the adult organism there is a finely tuned balance between new and dying cells.
This balance is disturbed, among other things, by toxins (see autointoxication) that are produced in a pathological or weakened intestine.
Through the therapy according to F.X. Mayr we are able to restore this balance. The recovery of the intestine plays an important role here. However, it is also important to restore the balance through sufficient rest and sleep.
 Skin and facial changes
"We have a mirror in our face that reflects the purity of blood and the goodness of the digestive system" (F.X. Mayr)
Various diseases and chronic digestive damage lead to changes in skin colour, texture and facial shape. This knowledge was used by F.X. Mayr as another valuable instrument in his diagnostics.
The healthy skin is pink, pure, smooth, velvety and firm.
Deviations from this standard provide information for reference to health problems. For example, in the case of chron. Digestive disorders and intest. Autointoxication the face colour greyish-pale dirty grey, a yellowish skin colour is an indication for liver and gall damage, pale white may mean anaemia, red-blueish oxygen deficiency and too much fermentation.
Changes in the shape of the face are caused by skin colour changes, changes in tone, fat and water retention.
All stages of poisoning are classified according to F.X. diagnosis. Mayrs can already be read on the face and can be brought to regression by detoxification even in the late stage. The improvements towards a normal state can be achieved during F.X. Mayr cure can be observed daily.
Physical activity is the outstanding characteristic of all movement forms summarized under the term sport. Essentially, popular sport is distinguished from competitive sport. During the therapy according to Dr. F. X.Mayr, sufficient exercise in the fresh air is important and supports the success of the therapy. Competitive sport is not appropriate at this time because this would hinder the healing and regeneration processes. It should be remembered that a moderate sports program for someone who has hardly moved for years can take on the character of competitive sports.
Substitution is one of the 4 important healing principles in F.X. therapy. Mayr.
Already in Mayr's time bases were substituted in the form of Karlovy Vary water, a combination of saline water and today's base powder.
Later it became increasingly necessary to supplement vital substances in a natural way in therapy. There are different reasons for this.
On the one hand, the supply of vital substances to the organism is often insufficient in the case of a pathological digestive tract, because it is not able to absorb the vital substances sufficiently. On the other hand, the vital substance requirement today is increased by frequently excessive everyday stress and, last but not least, the vital substance content of milk, which was previously frequently prescribed, could not be compared with today's industrially processed milk products.
 Tea fasting
Tea fasting is the most intensive form of protection in F.X. therapy. Mayr. The complete voluntary renunciation of food is also the most strenuous form of protection for the organism due to the necessary regulatory mechanisms.
For a long time, therapy according to F.X. has been used. Mayr started with 3-5 days of fasting. The health condition of many patients became worse by increasing everyday stress, the therapies shorter, the eating training more important and thus the sense of the chamfering days had to be questioned. Today they are only used in exceptional cases.
Humoral diagnostics according to F. X. Mayr can be used to obtain information on the effects of all humorally attacking toxins in different tissue states. The colour, surface and tone of the skin, changes in hair, nails, sclerae or conjunctiva or conspicuous features of the mouth and tongue play an important role. A brownish discoloured strip of skin is described as a so-called "tear duct" pulling sideways from the outer corners of the eyes. This is caused by a tear fluid which is rich in harmful substances, usually leaks during sleep and drains off via the eye edges. The toxins contained in the liquid attack the skin and turn it brownish. Depending on which side the patient sleeps on more often, the intensity of the tear duct is more pronounced.
 Thimble training
Is a part of the "Mayr food culture": bite off small bites with the incisors, grind them with the grinders to a fine pulp so that a large inner surface is created and the digestive juices have a large surface of attack. Keep the bite in the mouth for a long time so that our taste sensors on the tongue have enough time to perceive the taste in its nuances of sweet, sour, bitter or salty - then the digestive juices specifically required for this food are immediately prepared in deeper sections of the digestive tube. After swallowing, "pleasure" and our possibility of influencing the digestion (digestion and absorption) of the food are finished. Therefore "increase of enjoyment" can be achieved more sensibly by "keeping in the mouth" each bite for a longer time than by "eating more". We only use the tough "Kursemmel" as an aid to re-learn how to chew properly and to "suck saliva", not for satiation!
 Thorax deformities
The thorax covers part of the abdomen from above. If gas or faeces accumulate in the abdomen, press them against the ribs from below. The most common deformity is the opening of the costal arch angle. In children and younger adults, the thorax is still so elastic that it can avoid possible abdominal pressure. One-sided chest deformities can occur, for example, due to congestion of the stool or gas in the transverse bowel or due to strain on the liver. Long-lasting pressure or volume increases in the abdomen permanently deform the chest.
 Tonus theory
Describes the change in the "elasticity" of the ring and longitudinal muscles of the hollow organs of the digestive tract in the course of life due to overstrain and paralysis (fermentation alcohols). From the normal tone at birth it comes through continued stimulation to hypertonus (pathological "too much") and later through exhaustion to hypotonus (pathological "too little"). The result is enlargement and extension of the digestive tube with contamination and constipation (extended intestinal passage time) or diarrhoea (acute relief reaction of the intestine), see "Enteropathy". Regeneration is the declining process of these stages during prolonged Mayr cure, as a possible cure crisis impressive.
Training is one of the 4 important healing principles in F.X. therapy. Mayr.
By training we mean the training of the intestines by the manual abdominal treatment, the training of the chewing and eating behaviour, the training of the feeling of satiety and also the acclimatisation to a normal fluid supply (drinking training). The aim of the training is to restore the health of the digestive tract and to prevent a deterioration of the functional processes in everyday life.
The U-dent is a criterion of the healthy abdomen and describes a characteristic of the corresponding healthy abdominal relief. The lower boundary of the healthy convolute of the small intestine extends only to the interspinous line (imaginary connecting line between the spinae iliaca ventr. bds.). The resulting slight bulge of the abdomen caused by the convolute of the small intestine is delimited at the bottom by a U-shaped depression: the U-dent, which extends laterally to the cranial. This is caused by the negative pressure in the lower abdomen due to the active maintenance of the position of the small intestine. If these relief characteristics are missing, there is no healthy abdomen. The U-dent is also the orientation structure for the determination of the small bowel size (DDM) (here the right hand of the examiner is inserted pressureless and obliquely on both sides).
 Villus pump
The absorption of small molecular substances from the intestinal contents is bound to the function of the intestinal villi as "resorbing structures". The mucous membrane of the small intestine - in contrast to the mucous membrane of stomach and colon - is occupied by about 10 million intestinal villi, up to 40 villi per square millimetre. This increases the absorption surface of the small intestine many times over. Especially the lymph transport in the central chyle vessel of the villus, but also the venous outflow is significantly promoted by the contraction of the smooth muscle apparatus - the so-called villus pump, which thus significantly improves the resorptive capacity of the small intestine. This shortening of the villi, which takes place 4 to 6 times per minute, is caused by the contractile network of the partially branched myocyte structure in the villi stroma. For the villi movement the influence of the gastrointestinal hormone Villikinin is necessary. The villi are stretched by the arterial influx into the arterioles ("garden hose effect") while at the same time the muscles relax.
 Vital substances
These are substances that are naturally present in the human organism and are required for the maintenance or optimisation of all bodily functions ("essential" substances). These are primarily vitamins, vitaminoids, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids and amino acids, but also secondary plant substances, enzymes, probiotics or prebiotics. Some of them can be synthesized by the body itself, but most of them have to be ingested with food. If this is not guaranteed, a supplement in the form of supplements in the appropriate dosage over a period of several months is usually necessary.
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